Thursday, February 21, 2013

These first pictures are from one of the first scenes in Alice In Wonderland. In the story, Alice comes across a table with food and drinks upon it. Food makes her grow, and drinks make her shrink when eaten. I had to set up a set for these pictures, and I tried to depict the objects as I imagine them in the story. I took shots from above and below the objects and worked with point of view. This is because Alive is growing and shrinking at this stage in the plot and sees objects from many points of view. I also tried to get a primary color scheme, and I used the rule of thirds and figure of ground when placing my objects.
I tried using different lighting for my photos to get different moods. If I could get feedback from people on which picture they prefer, top or bottom, that would be great. The top photo is in incandescent lighting, and the bottom photo is in a dimly lit hall and I used the flash. I would like to go through and edit both photos when I have time and try altering the color and saturation a bit. I would like the blue color of the liquid to really stand out.

I took photos of chess pieces and cards because chessmen and card soldiers play major characters in the book. In this photo I tried to make the queen chess piece look large and dominating by taking the picture from below.

More feedback on the two above pictures would be helpful. Once more I experimented with different lighting. The use of the flash in the bottom picture cast a neat looking shadow on the back wall, but I don't really like the white glare that is cast on the chess pieces. In the top picture, I think the lighting worked out really well, especially the way the chessmen are reflected in the marble chessboard. I used incandescent lighting from above in that photo.

I used rule of thirds and repetition/patterns in this photo to draw the eye to the queen of hearts card. The queen of hearts is a major charecter in Alice In Wonderland, and my personal favorite charecter. I would like to edit the color and lighting in this photo to make the red color pop.